Results for 'Gérard E. Weil'

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  1.  23
    Élie Lévita, Humaniste et Massorète (1469-1549)Elie Levita, Humaniste et Massorete.Jonas C. Greenfield, Gérard E. Weil & Gerard E. Weil - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (3):529.
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    La bibliotheque de Gersonide: D'apres son catalogue autographe by Gerard E. Weil; Frederic Chartrain; Anne-Marie Weil-Gueny; Joseph Shatzmiller. [REVIEW]Bernard Goldstein - 1993 - Isis 84:790-791.
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    Pharmacologic Management of Spastic Hypertonia.Gerard E. Francisco - 2005 - In Walter M. High, Angelle M. Sander, Margaret A. Struchen & Karen A. Hart (eds.), Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury. Oxford University Press. pp. 271.
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    New insights into the pathophysiology of post-stroke spasticity.Sheng Li & Gerard E. Francisco - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  5.  17
    Signal detection approach to the study of retinal locus in tachistoscopic recognition.Wilma A. Winnick & Gerard E. Bruder - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (3p1):528.
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    Cognitive and temperamental vulnerability to depression: Longitudinal associations with regional cortical activity.Elizabeth P. Hayden, Stewart A. Shankman, Thomas M. Olino, C. Emily Durbin, Craig E. Tenke, Gerard E. Bruder & Daniel N. Klein - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (7):1415-1428.
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    Distinct Kinematic and Neuromuscular Activation Strategies During Quiet Stance and in Response to Postural Perturbations in Healthy Individuals Fitted With and Without a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton.Charles S. Layne, Christopher A. Malaya, Akshay S. Ravindran, Isaac John, Gerard E. Francisco & Jose Luis Contreras-Vidal - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Many individuals with disabling conditions have difficulty with gait and balance control that may result in a fall. Exoskeletons are becoming an increasingly popular technology to aid in walking. Despite being a significant aid in increasing mobility, little attention has been paid to exoskeleton features to mitigate falls. To develop improved exoskeleton stability, quantitative information regarding how a user reacts to postural challenges while wearing the exoskeleton is needed. Assessing the unique responses of individuals to postural perturbations while wearing an (...)
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    An astrolabe attributed to Gerard Mercator, c. 1570.Gerard L'E. Turner & Elly Dekker - 1993 - Annals of Science 50 (5):403-443.
    SummaryThe Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence, Italy, possesses an astrolabe with five latitude plates that is now attributed to the Duisburg workshop of Gerard Mercator. Although it is known that Mercator made instruments, this is the first surviving example to be identified. Another latitude plate is shown to come from the workshop of the Florentine, Giovan Battista Giusti. A seventh plate, possibly engraved by Rumold Mercator, provides the only known Mercatorian polar stereographic projection. The role of Egnazio (...)
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  9.  48
    The three astrolabes of Gerard Mercator.Gerard L'E. Turner - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (4):329-353.
    In a paper published in volume 50 of Annals of Science an astrolabe at the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence, was attributed to the hand of Gerard Mercator, c. 1570, when his workshop was in Duisburg. This was the first scientific instrument by Mercator to be identified. Since then two further astrolabes by Mercator have been identified, one of them bearing his monogram: GMR. They belong to the Städtische Kunstsammlungen, Augsburg, and the Moravian Gallery, Brno. All three (...)
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    Simone Weil, l'expérience de la vie et le travail de la pensée.Simone Weil - 1998 - Arles: Editions Sulliver. Edited by Domenico Canciani & Charles Jacquier.
    Porté aux nues par les écrivains du XIXè siècle qui voyaient en lui le type même du poète maudit, Byron (1788-1824) a subi au XXè siècle un long purgatoire avant d'être enfin reconnu comme une personnalité littéraire de premier plan. Après les traductions en prose du siècle dernier qui, malgré leur mérite, n'offraient qu'un pâle reflet, on redécouvre aujourd'hui toute la virtuosité d'un poète qui jongle avec les rimes et les rythmes et qui demandait donc à être traduit en vers. (...)
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  11.  30
    Cultural factors in the origin and remediation of alternative conceptions in physics.Gerard D. Thijs & E. D. Van Den Berg - 1995 - Science & Education 4 (4):317-347.
  12.  21
    Is it possible to equilibrate the different “levels” of an imbalanced biological system by acting upon one of them only? Example of the agonistic antagonistic networks.E. Bernard-Weil - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4):271-285.
    To answer the question in the title, we take as an example the model for the regulation of agonistic antagonistic couples (MRAAC). It is a model that associates 4 non-linear differential equations and allows to simulate balance, imbalance between two state variables, and control, if necessary, by two control variables of the same nature as the state variables: this control is defined as a bilateral strategy (bipolar therapy in the medical field). The super model for the regulation of agonism antagonistic (...)
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  13.  40
    As well as physiological states, pathological states and therapeutical problems may be a gushing spring for biological theory - and conversely.E. Bernard-Weil, F. Mikol, M. F. Monge-Strauss & P. Jung - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (3-4):281-307.
    New class of therapies, including bipolar therapies (BPT) and paradoxical unipolar therapies (PUT) were firstly proposed in relation to a clinical insight and to some results of biological investigations, then they gave rise to mathematical modeling which brought a justification of these therapies, at least from a theoretical point of view. After recalling the mathematical model for the regulation of agonistic antagonistic couples, and reporting the fundamental types of control simulation by means of it, we point out the validity of (...)
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  14. The place of logic in Aristotle's thought.E. Weil - 1975 - In Jonathan Barnes, Malcolm Schofield & Richard Sorabji (eds.), Articles on Aristotle. London: Duckworth. pp. 1--88.
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    A priori and a posteriori in cognitive praxis the model for the regulation of agonistic antagonistic couples.E. Bernard-Weil - 1992 - In G. van der Vijve (ed.), New Perspectives on Cybernetics. pp. 220--59.
  16. A priori et a posteriori dans la pratique cognitive: Le modele de la regulation Des couples ago-antagonistes.E. Bernard-Weil - 1990 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 23:193.
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    Does help in decision-making in biology help in decision-making in human sciences and conversely?E. Bernard-Weil - 2000 - Acta Biotheoretica 48 (3-4):243-257.
    A link between biological and human sciences may be established, under the condition that we should admit the existence of reciprocal influences between them. The model for the regulation of agonistic antagonistic couples (MRAAC) is built from the study of biological systems and gives rise to specific types of control. This model can be helpful in decision processes in some human sciences such as management, economical and political strategies. The reason for such an opportunity lies in the fact that MRAAC (...)
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  18.  55
    Self-organization and emergence are some irrelevant concepts without their association with the concepts of hetero-organization and immergence.E. Bernard-Weil - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (4):351-362.
    There are many reasons for questioning the relevance of the concepts of self-organization (SO) and emergence. By studying three types of SO, respectively related to ontogeny, phylogeny and formalized models, we show that we always have to suppose an associated hetero-organization and preconceived immergence, unconsciously present in the authors mind. In order to understand how these unusual couples are working, they must be considered as agonistic antagonistic couples. Heteroorganization and immergence put constraints on the system so that SO and emergence (...)
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  19. Interpreting proxy directives: clinical decision-making and the durable power of attorney for health care.E. T. Juengst, C. J. Weil, C. Hackler, R. Mosely & D. Vawter - 1989 - In Chris Hackler, Ray Moseley & Dorothy E. Vawter (eds.), Advance directives in medicine. New York: Praeger.
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    Andreas Albrecht, a seventeenth-century military surveyor.E. Weil - 1948 - Annals of Science 6 (1):44-45.
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    An unpublished letter by Davy on the safety-lamp.E. Weil - 1950 - Annals of Science 6 (3):306-307.
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  22. 2 essays, against occultism and on picodellamirandola and criticism of astrology.E. Weil - 1985 - Archives de Philosophie 48 (4):563-573.
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    The Gender and Genre of Reverie.Gérard Genette & Thaïs E. Morgan - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 20 (2):357-370.
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    Manuscrits Telugu: Catalogue raisonnéManuscrits Telugu: Catalogue raisonne.E. G., Gérard Colas, Usha Colas-Chauhan & Gerard Colas - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):155.
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    A Novel Italian-Hour Nocturnal by Michiel Coignet1.Gerard L'E. Turner - 2006 - Annals of Science 63 (2):215-219.
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    The Government and the English Optical Glass Industry, 1650-1850.Gerard L'E. Turner - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (4):399-414.
    The concept of a technical frontier in branches of experimental measurement, such as the resolution of the microscope, angular measure and time telling, has been around for more than 60 years. The purpose of this brief paper is to identify the technical frontier operating on the achromatic astronomical telescope, where a limiting factor of the resolution of fine detail was the quality of the optical glass available. The achromatically corrected objective is formed from two kinds of glass, the common crown (...)
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    The Italian-Hour Nocturnal.Gerard L'E. Turner - 2003 - Annals of Science 60 (3):249-268.
    The general view is that there is one type of nocturnal, which is universal, first illustrated in a printed book in 1524. Recently, a number of quite differently constructed nocturnals has come to light. Six of these were made at the very beginning of the sixteenth century by Falcono of Bergamo in northern Italy. One of them, with the initials of the inventor, may well be the prototype. Five more are closely similar. Five further nocturnals of the same type have (...)
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    L'anthropologie d'aristote.É Weil - 1946 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 51 (1):7 - 36.
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    Narrative Discourse: An Essay in MethodTextual Strategies: Perspectives in Post-Structuralist Criticism.Steven Ungar, Gerard Genette, Jane E. Lewin & Josue V. Harari - 1980 - Substance 9 (3):96.
  30.  27
    La remise en cause de l'autarcie morale : le sentiment de soi et les mobiles de l'action chez Simone Weil.Valérie Gérard - 2007 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 82 (3):139.
    Résumé — L’analyse de la condition ouvrière dévoile les conditions sociales de la constitution psychologique et morale de soi. Le système tayloriste est aliénant en ce qu’il anéantit la capacité de s’attribuer réalité et valeur, en forçant l’ouvrier à endosser des mobiles qu’il ne peut pourtant s’approprier car ils lui sont étrangers et humiliants, contraires à ses aspirations. Il dépend de l’extériorité – où il peut certes trouver des grandeurs de conventions mensongères, mais aussi ce qui lui est le plus (...)
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    Lectures on philosophy.Simone Weil - 1978 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Simone Weil's Leçons de Philosophie are derived from a course she taught at the lyce;e for girls at Roanne in 1933-4. Anne Reynaud-Gue;rithault was a pupil in the class; her notes are not a verbatim record but are a very full and, as far as one can judge, faithful rendering, often catching the unmistakable tone of Simone Weil's voice as well as the force and the directness of her thought. The lectures form a good general introduction to philosophy, (...)
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  32.  28
    Le Sens du temps et de la perception chez E. Husserl.Gérard Granel - 1968 - [Paris,]: Editions Gallimard.
  33.  8
    Écrits de Londres et dernières lettres.Simone Weil - 1957 - Paris,: Gallimard.
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    Development of a consensus approach for return of pathology incidental findings in the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project.Nicole C. Lockhart, Carol J. Weil, Latarsha J. Carithers, Susan E. Koester, A. Roger Little, Simona Volpi, Helen M. Moore & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (9):643-645.
    The active debate about the return of incidental or secondary findings in research has primarily focused on return to research participants, or in some cases, family members. Particular attention has been paid to return of genomic findings. Yet, research may generate other types of findings that warrant consideration for return, including findings related to the pathology of donated biospecimens. In the case of deceased biospecimen donors who are also organ and/or tissue transplant donors, pathology incidental findings may be relevant not (...)
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    Determinants of Citation in Epidemiological Studies on Phthalates: A Citation Analysis.Miriam J. E. Urlings, Bram Duyx, Gerard M. H. Swaen, Lex M. Bouter & Maurice P. A. Zeegers - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (6):3053-3067.
    Citing of previous publications is an important factor in knowledge development. Because of the great amount of publications available, only a selection of studies gets cited, for varying reasons. If the selection of citations is associated with study outcome this is called citation bias. We will study determinants of citation in a broader sense, including e.g. study design, journal impact factor or the funding source of the publication. As a case study we assess which factors drive citation in the human (...)
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  36.  8
    (1 other version)Hegel et l'État: cinq conférences.Eric Weil - 1974 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    Le miroir voilé et autres écrits sur l'image.Gérard Mordillat - 2014 - Paris: Calmann-Lévy.
    Devant un film de Jean Cocteau ou de Pasolini, devant un scénario de Jacques Prévert ; devant les photos de Georges Azenstarck, celles des prêtres-ouvriers par Joël Peyroux, celles des albums de familles en banlieue ; devant les toiles de Patrice Giorda ou d'Ernest Pignon-Ernest mais aussi devant une page des Cantos d'Ezra Pound ou d'un texte d'Antonin Artaud, qui ne s'est posé la question : qu'est-ce qu'on y voit? Et plus interrogateur encore : qu'est-ce qu'on y lit? Les sources (...)
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  38.  20
    Shakespeare's Last Plays: Essays in Literature and Politics.John E. Alvis, Glenn C. Arbery, David N. Beauregard, Paul A. Cantor, John Freeh, Richard Harp, Peter Augustine Lawler, Mary P. Nichols, Nathan Schlueter, Gerard B. Wegemer & R. V. Young - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    What were Shakespeare's final thoughts on history, tragedy, and comedy? Shakespeare's Last Plays focuses much needed scholarly attention on Shakespeare's "Late Romances." The work--a collection of newly commissioned essays by leading scholars of classical political philosophy and literature--offers careful textual analysis of Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, The Tempest, All is True, and The Two Noble Kinsmen. The essays reveal how Shakespeare's thought in these final works compliments, challenges, fulfills, or transforms previously held conceptions of the playwright (...)
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    Charles E. Rice, 1931-2015Robert E. Rodes, Jr., 1927-2014.Gerard V. Bradley & Richard Garnett - 2016 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 61 (1):1-3.
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    A antinomia e seu conteúdo.Gérard Lebrun - 2005 - Discurso 35:239-276.
    A leitura que Hegel faz da antinomia em Kant permite entender que as considerações deste não estão isentas de pressupostos antropológicos e de que, portanto, ele estuda a finitude das categorias nelas mesmas, mas em sua pertinência ao "sujeito", que, no final das contas, é um sujeito "psicológico". Eis o interesse que há em retormar os textos de Hegel para fazer jus à "arte de ler" hegeliana.
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    Comments on “the psychology of whistleblowing” (j.E. Sieber) and “the voice of experience” (r.L. Sprague).Vivian Weil - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (1):29-31.
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    Comments on “the psychology of whistleblowing” (J.E. Sieber) and “the voice of experience” (R.L. Sprague).Professor Vivian Weil - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (1):29-31.
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    Dell'interesse per la storia e altri saggi di filosofia e storia delle idee.Eric Weil - 1982 - Napoli: Bibliopolis. Edited by Livio Sichirollo.
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  44. Essais sur la philosophie, la démocratie et l'éducation.Eric Weil, P. Belaval & Jean-Michel Buâee - 1993 - [Lille]: Presses universitaires de Lille. Edited by P. Belaval & Jean-Michel Buée.
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    Les voies du peuple: éléments d'une histoire conceptuelle.Gérard Bras - 2018 - Paris: Éditions Amsterdam.
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    La vision et l'énigme: éléments pour une analytique du logos.Gérard Bucher - 1989 - Paris: Cerf.
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    La violence dévoilée: pour comprendre René Girard.Gérard Donnadieu - 2017 - [Chouzé-sur-Loire]: Saint-Léger éditions.
    Pour sortir des intégrismes et en finir avec la violence.
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    Actualité de la pensée juridique de Jeremy Bentham.Philippe Gérard, François Ost & Michel Van de Kerchove (eds.) - 1987 - Bruxelles: Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.
    La pensée du jurisconsulte anglais Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) se prête particulièrement bien à une approche interdisciplinaire telle que celle qui est menée dans le présent ouvrage. Si Bentham, en effet, a consacré l'essentiel de ses travaux à des projets de réforme de la société anglaise de son temps par le biais de la codification des lois, il n'a cessé d'enrichir cette réflexion par des emprunts faits à d'autres disciplines, dans lesquelles il était également passé maître, telles la morale, la psychologie, (...)
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  49.  19
    Chi protegge la natura è rousseauiano?Gérard Raphael Larrère - 2013 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 26 (2):339-356.
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    O cego e o filósofo ou o nascimento da antropologia.Gerard Lebrun - 1972 - Discurso 3 (3):127-140.
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